#LifeAtCAPS with our Community Education program’s Parent Support Specialist Trisha Lightfoot.

CAPS cares about families and I believe the family unit is important. I think that parents should be encouraged to enjoy and love their children through every stage and age of life. Not to dread the “terrible two’s” or the teen years but to find joy in parenting. CAPS provides the opportunity to come alongside parents as they work toward strengthening their relationship with their children and that is why I work at CAPS.

Watching parents redefine or reestablish the family structure is an exciting to watch. It is encouraging to see families decide to adjust the family norm and create lasting positive changes. I have been privileged to see parents, children, and teens learn to enjoy and increase their respect for each other. I love to see fractured family bonds grow strong and strong the family bonds grow stronger.

For more information on our Child and Family Advocacy Center, Read more at CFAC.